

Institute of Hotel Management Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar

Ragging involving either physical or mental torture is a criminal offence at IHM Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar. The freshers should not undergo any traumatic experience. The Committee ensures vigilance throughout the year. IHM Ahmedabad practices Zero Tolerance Policy against ragging.

Ragging in-campus / off-campus is punishable, Culprit / Culprits not only rusticated form IHM Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar they may undergo trail by court-of-law.

Anti-ragging committee is constituted in order to:
  • Prevent possible indulgence of the seniors in the disgraceful act of ragging.
  • Assist & make the new entrants comfortable & to provide holistic environment.
  • Ensure that our Institute IHM Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar is not brought to any kind of disrepute.
  • Initiate appropriate measures to prevent any untoward incident of ragging before it raises it's ugly head.
S.No.NameDesignationPhone No.
1. Mr. Sanjit Maji Senior Lecturer +91 9426373446
2. Dr. Jaya Sharma Senior Lecturer +91 9426366644
3. Mr. Vinay Namjoshi Senior Lecturer +91 9687606944
4. Mrs. Yashodhara Panda Panigrahi Lecturer +91 9998516273

75 Amrit Mahotsav


IHM Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar Contact Info


Between Koba Circle & Infocity Road.,
Bhaijipura Patia, P.O. Koba.
Gandhinagar – 382426. Gujarat. India.

+ Mob: + 9428 01 6272
+ Tel: + 9974 03 4078
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Please contact :

+ 9974 03 4078 Principal Office
+ 9428 01 6272 Academic Office


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