
IHM Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar Journal 2021 Vol3 Issue2


IHMA_JournalPublisher: Institute of Hotel Management, Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad - Gandhinagar Highway, Bhaijipura Patia, P.O. Koba. Gandhinagar – 382426. Gujarat. India.
Issue(s) Avaliable: 1
ISSN Number: 2582-4082
Frequency: Biannual





Volume 3
Issue 2 2021


From the Editor – Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav

This Volume 3, Issue 2 IHM Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar of Indian Journal of Hospitality Management is celebrating 'India’s Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav' to resonate with its 75 years of independence. The time progressed may be looked at from the lenses of development, globalization, and democracy. The hospitality industry was one of the most under-developed sectors of the economy when India gained independence in 1947.

In 1956, the then Prime Minister of India, Late Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru recognized the potential of tourism in India which would contribute towards the growth of the economy of the country. He inspired both the public and private sector to build the best quality hotels in India for visiting dignitaries and tourists from abroad and domestic tourists. With his vision, India saw the first-ever government-invested hotel in New Delhi with the name of Ashok Hotel. In 1966, the India Tourism Development Corporation was set up which provided a complete range of services starting from in-house travel agencies to accommodation and entertainment.

Another breakthrough in the hospitality industry came about when the government created the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation in 1967. The era of the 1970s saw a major change and upgrading of hotels by the government. Inspired by the metro cities, the entrepreneurs from the secondary cities began constructing the hotels and resorts thereby giving a boost to the Indian economy and making the tourist spots accessible for the visitors.

In the 1980s, the hotel industry gained momentum due to the Asian Games, and the tourism industry was given a boost. In the 1990s, tourism was made a priority sector for Foreign Direct Investment where the hotels could attract a 51% equity from foreign investors.

From that time onwards, the tourism and hotel industry in India has been on the rise after overcoming numerous hurdles and challenges until the Covid-19 pandemic hit the entire world.

One of the worst affected industries during the pandemic is the tourism and hospitality industry which needs a boost to revive in this difficult time. The transformation has been observed in the method of earning revenue for the hotel industry during the pandemic. The hotel industry has sought other resources like the food and beverage sector, cloud kitchen, online food aggregators, and online food delivery partners during the Covid-19 pandemic for its survival and revival.

With the vaccination against Covid-19 and its success rate, the hospitality industry has a ray of hope for a boom post the pandemic but in a very different manner. The journal discusses this aspect in the food and beverage sector which is undergoing a major change in terms of the services rendered and dining. Technology has started to have a huge impact on the food and beverage industry leading to the incorporation of online services into the once human-driven system before the pandemic.

Though technology is moving at a faster pace than expected during the pandemic in the service industry, still priority is always on the customer experience. The customer always seeks to experience the touch and feel aspect hence the response to their feedback has been discreetly human-oriented. With time, the Internet of Things has brought about ease in serving the customers but to maintain its value, there is always a human touch to it.

The food industry has undergone valuable and therapeutic changes during the pandemic. It has become more health and well-being oriented when it comes to serving the customers. During the pandemic, food has become one of the most celebrated aspects of the hospitality industry. Usage of indigenous methods in the culinary journey of our hospitality industry is in the limelight during the pandemic.

Government has an important role to play in the safety of the travelers during and post the Covid-19 pandemic. Reviving the travel industry by rebuilding the traveler’s confidence and trust in the safety measures being taken for the well-being of the travelers is being taken care of by the government for reopening of the hospitality industry in phases.

Frontline health workers have been guarding the nation against the pandemic and serving the country by saving the lives of people and treating them during the Covid-19 pandemic. But the stress level of the frontline workers in the hospitality industry is difficult to measure but their psychology can be assessed to measure the level of stress and hence bring about changes in the processes of dealing with the guests considering the mental well-being of the employees.

Ensuring the safety of the employees while serving the guests is of utmost importance for the hospitality industry during the pandemic. Hence the government along with the governing bodies for the tourism and hospitality sector in the country have been taking mindful measures for the psychological health of their employees.

During the pandemic, women have shown exemplary courage in fighting the deadly Covid-19 virus across the globe. Yet the nutrition of the women in India in the lower-income group of Rajasthan needs attention. The health and diet of post-menopausal women of age 40-60 years have been studied in this journal.

With the pandemic not coming to an end anytime in the near future, people are becoming more dependent on the technology aspect and have sought online platforms for food delivery which has helped the online food aggregators and restaurants a source of revenue during the pandemic.

Hopefully, the pandemic would end soon as vaccines are proving to be effective against the deadly Covid-19 virus. Every nation across the globe is hoping to revive and thrive in terms of their tourism and hospitality post the pandemic in a sustainable fashion. Let us give our tiniest effort towards the recovery of the hospitality industry and hope for a brighter and profitable business in the near future by getting back to the forgotten era of normalcy.


Dr. Jagat Krushna Mangaraj, Chief Patron

Dr. Priti Ranjan Sahoo, Editor–in-Chief



Dr. Priti Ranjan Sahoo, Editor-in-chief
Associate Professor & Chairperson - Marketing Area,
KIIT School of Management,
KIIT University (Institution of Eminence),
Bhubaneswar, India.,


Dr. J K Mangaraj, Principal
IHM Ahmedabad,
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Dr. Shishir H.Mandalia, Librarian,
Bhaikaka Library, Sardar Patel University
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Dr. Salla Vijay Kumar, Sr. Lecturer,
IHM Ahmedabad,
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Mrs. Shweta Mehta, Librarian
IHM Ahmedabad,
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Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition, Ahmedabad


Indian Journal of Hospitality Management, IHM Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar VOL 3, Issue 2


Table of Contents



A Study on Transforming Hotel Food and Beverage Service Experience in the Post Covid Context
Ms. Akshita Tiwari Pages: 1-9
Prospects and Challenges of Technology for the Hospitality Industry
Chef Bonophool Banerjee Pages: 10-18
A study of reviving domestic tourism and travel behaviour post COVID 19
Ms. Manasi Keni Pages: 19-26
Analysing the Stress of Frontline Employees of Hospitality and Tourism Industry
Ms. Naiya Rana & Nilesh Ratnoday Pages: 27-40
Nutritional profile of post-Menopausal women belonging to lower middle-income group of Pilani town of Rajasthan: An observational study
Ms. Shikha Dixit Pages: 41-49
Online Food Aggregators: Marketing Strategy during Covid-19 Pandemic
Dr. Priti Ranjan Sahoo, Ms. Smrutirekha & Dr. Jagat Krushna Mangaraj Pages: 50-60



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